Many people read the Bible. But many people don't memorize much of it. Why is that? I have no earthly idea. But I was one of these people.
"Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You."
Psalms 119:11
For one thing, we should memorize scripture because if we have scripture floating in our minds constantly, it makes it hard for us to sin. I know that can sound weird, and I was very skeptical about it at first. But if you think about it, anything that we think, read, and hear can change the way we think and we will see reflections of these things in our lives. If we think, read, and hear curse words all of the time whether through friends, tv, books or any of the other millions of sources we have, we will most likely start cursing. The same thing is true with Bible verses. If we hear sermons constantly, are always reading the Bible, and constantly memorize scripture, we will be thinking of these things constantly and will see things through the lens of biblical wisdom.
That is only one reason to memorize scripture. There are countless other reasons as well. But another that is encouraging and shows us why we need to memorize scripture is Jesus and His time in the desert. I talked in one of the other posts about how knowing what scripture says is important. But the memorization of scripture is equally important. Jesus wouldn't have been as successful in his fight against the devil if he didn't already have scripture at the ready to fight against the devil and the temptations he used.
I don't know about y'all, but I am not even close to being on Jesus' level of holiness. And if he needed scripture, then I need it probably even more!
So get off of the couch and quit watching tv and go open your Bible. There are endless scriptures to help you in the fight of everyday life. Find a verse that really speaks to your life right now and hold fast to it. It could help you cling to holiness in hard times and temptations.