Writing down your thoughts and prayers can make a huge difference in your life.
Everyone reads and learns things everyday. However, many people forget what they learn and read on a daily basis. A way to record these things is by going out and getting a journal and just writing in it every single day.
You don't have to treat it like a diary and just write down your feelings and the cheesy things in life.
My junior year of college, I had the opportunity to room with one of the craziest humans on the planet and learned about journaling.
The way he journaled, he wrote down goals for every day that he wanted to accomplish. He would set these goals and write down what he accomplished and what he didn't. Eventually, he got to where he would intentionally complete his goals everyday no matter how hard it was or how much work it took.
He was one of the most determined humans I have ever met and worked on mental toughness through journaling as well. He would write things down that he didn't like about himself, and then he would write down things that he wanted to see in himself. After writing down attributes that he wanted to see in himself, he would set goals and keep track of how close he was to attaining the attributes and what more he needed to do each day to get there.
That was all just a really long way to say that journaling helps you set goals, learn things about yourself, as well as keep track of your thoughts and how you are growing as a person. Journaling has also helped my spiritual life. I have done many Bible studies and heard many sermons that have impacted me, and I would have forgotten the lessons, sermons, and teachings if I wouldn't have written them down. I look through my journals all of the time looking at how far I have come as well as to see what I need to remember.
If you are looking for any cons to journaling, you have come to the wrong place. There are none. So get off your computer, get a journal and go write!
If you want to completely copy me, here is the exact journal that I use. It's not too big, not too small, and has a ton of pages!