Many people go their whole lives without ever even reading the entire Bible. I'm not saying that you have to read the entire Bible. But it can't do anything except benefit you to read it!
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17
How do we go about reading scripture?
The easiest way that I have found to read scripture is by finding books that can help guide you through it. For instance, many daily devotional books have a section to read and then scripture to read that is accompanied by prayer sections and what to be thinking about throughout the day. I love these types of devotionals because they give me something to pray about and think about throughout the day.
The Main Things I Look For In A Devotional
A short intro or reading prior to the scripture reading
An intro to what the scripture is about
A decent amount of scripture to read
A reflection
And a way to apply the reading
We need to read scripture because it is literally God-breathed and can be used for almost any situation. Reading scripture also helps us to see what God has done in the past? It is extremely important to understand what God has done in the past, because God often times repeats himself throughout time.
Alongside understanding God better by reading scripture, reading scripture also helps us to keep each other accountable. For instance, if a preacher is preaching about things that contradict the Bible, as believers we are supposed to call them out and correct them according to what is true. Without this ability of accountability, preachers would be able to say whatever they wanted and people would believe them. Unfortunately, many people are not good about knowing scripture and so people often do believe pastors that preach false teachings. In these cases, people need to correct these people and make them aware of the false teachings by using scripture.
If we don't keep each other accountable and learn for ourselves what Scripture says, how will we ever learn or change?